Friday, August 15, 2008


True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher. - John Petit-Senn

When we dive into the ocean, we become the sea. - Charlotte Kasl, If the Buddha Dated

Was it my conspicuousness that distressed me? Not at all. It was merely that I was not beautifully conspicuous or ugily conspicuous. It makes all the difference in the world. - Mark Twain , Eruption

When people are talking about you, they are leaving someone else alone. - Clyde Knapp, Farm (1951)

Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now, when most truly it seems most unsuitable to actual circumstances. - Albert Schweitzer, On the Edge of the Primeval Forest (1922)

Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man. - Fedor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov (1879)

That special time caught up in its wild vortex and, in the absence of leisure to reflect on the matter, compelled me to what had to be done. - Vaclav Havel, Summer Meditations (1992)

Art and religion are two roads by which we escape from circumstance to ecstasy to reach similar states of mind. - Clive Bell, Art (1914)

Be like a headland of rock on which the waves break incessantly, but it stands fast and around it the seething of the waters sinks to rest. - Marcus Aurelius

I play on the seashore and often find a smoother pebble while the ocean of truth is undiscovered before me. - Isaac Newton, Anecdotes (1966)

There is nothing more dangerous than justice in the hands of judges and a paintbrush in the hands of a painter. Few dare to expel painters and poets from society because of refusal to admit the danger of keeping painters and poets in society. - Pablo Picasso, Theories of Modern Art (1968)

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